Are you ready to learn the foundations of Astrology & understand your own Birth Chart?


Astrology is ancient wisdom that has been guiding humans for thousands of years. My mission is to awaken people to this divine tool that has been gifted to us. We can use astrology to support us on our healing journey, difficult decisions in life, developing our spirituality, and ultimately to feel most connected to ourselves on a SOUL level.

Are you Ready to Awaken to your Destiny?

Come learn how to interpret your road map to your soul! Your birth chart explains your souls desires, karma, challenges, strengths, and so much more! When we align to our birth chart, we start to create abundance in our lives.

This course is designed to teach you astrology through an intuitive and technical framework. I use Tropical Astrology, with the whole sign house system. I always teach astrology through a trauma informed lens to ensure people feel SAFE and held in their readings.

I believe it’s important to understand the technical aspects of astrology to be grounded in the practice. I also believe our intuition can provide us with more depth & wisdom to our understanding of the cosmos because they speak to use through our subconscious (our intuition). So this course will support you in developing BOTH practices.

In this course you will learn:

  • The background of how the whole sign system was created, and the essence of astrology.

  • An in depth explanation of the planets, signs, and houses.

  • Break down of the Modalities and Elements.

  • Explanation of the main Aspects.


Click here for the course!